A.3. Online Help

This manual is implemented in the IUCLID online Help, but is also available in a downloadable version. As described in chapter A.2.1 Structure of this manual, the manual is organised like a book, with chapters, subchapters and pages.

You can either launch the Help contents to browse it and find the information of interest or launch the context-sensitive Help, which provides help directly linked to the state of application (what the user is doing). As pointed out below, context-sensitive Help may include guidance on how to handle a specific IUCLID feature or on the data entry fields.

To open the online Help and browse the contents


When you customise the Help window, it is recommended not to change the position of the upper left corner of the Help window, but to enlarge this window only by dragging the right-hand corner or right and button borders. Be aware of the following pitfall: The upper left corner of the Help window will always be repositioned in such a way that a certain left and upper margin remains on the screen, as shown in the following screenshot. This is due to technical reasons. So if you maximised the Help window, it would be repositioned next time you launch online Help from the IUCLID application. It is also not possible to constantly position the Help window in a second monitor connected to your computer.


Customise the size of the Help window as appropriate taking into account the pitfall described above. If you need to look up the online Help frequently, it can be useful to position both the Help window and the IUCLID screen in such a way that both windows are visible without having to switch back and forth.

To launch the context-sensitive online Help, perform either of following steps:

Each time you launch context-sensitive Help, a specific part of the online Help will be displayed. The following rules apply:

Independent of how you launched the online Help, you can always use the Contents pane of the Help window to browse the manual. To open up a (sub)chapter, click the plus sign to the left of the Folder icon . A list of subchapters or data entry fields then appears. To view a topic, click the page icon (see the screenshot above).

In the uppler left corner of the online Help window, a menu bar and several tabs are provided:

From the menu bar, the following commands can be selected:

Below the menu bar, the following tabs are provided: