D.18.2. Backing up data

To back up data follow these steps:

  1. Log in as SuperUser.

  2. Select the Backup command from the File menu - Administrative tools.

  3. The Backup assistant comes up. In the first step, click the Next button.

  4. In step 2, it is indicated that you can select the type of documents to be backed up. However, only the checkboxes with green ticks can be cleared, i.e.:

    • Dossier re-creation information: This parameter is reserved for future use and has no impact on the backup procedure in the current version.

    • Document group: In the current version, this parameter includes the specifications for Active trade partner und Active Reference substance.

    • Extended attributes: This parameter contains plugin-specific information.

  5. In step 3, select the folder where the back up file should be stored and click the Finish button.


Users and Roles (see chapter D.16.1 Principles of administration tools for user settings) are not included in backup / restore operations.