E.1.6. Sponsors

This section is a repeatable block section. It enables to specify different Sponsor organisations, e.g. a Competent Authority in the context of the OECD HPV Chemicals programme or a Company in the context of the US EPA HPV Challenge programme.

Click the green Plus button to open the repeatable block. If more than one Sponsor has to be specified, add a new block for each one.

Set the confidentiality flag and regulatory purpose. For a description of these flags see chapter D.4.5.7 Flags used for filtering data.


Information on Sponsor organisations is not stored in the Legal entity inventory. Therefore it needs to be repeated in each dataset where the information is required.

Contact information

Address: Enter the address of the Sponsor (e.g. Umkomaas Road 28).

Address: Use this second address line, if necessary.

Postal code: Enter the postal code (e.g. 01234).

Town: Enter the town.

Region/State: Enter the Region/State of the Sponsor organisation.

Country: Select the country in which the Sponsor organisation is located from the drop-down list. If none of the pre-defined items applies, select other:. A text field is then activated next to the list field in which you can enter any free text.

Fax: Enter the fax number of the Sponsor organisation.

E-mail: Enter the e-mail address of the Sponsor organisation.

Web site: Enter the web site of the Sponsor organisation.

Contact person

This part is a repeatable block subsection enabling to specify several contact persons. Click the green Plus button to open the repeatable block. If more than one contact person has to be specified, add a new block for each one.

Organisation: Enter the name of the organisation. It may be useful if the contact person is employed by another organisation than the Sponsor organisation.

Department: Name of contact person (e.g. Scientific Department).

Title: Title of the contact person (e.g. Mr.).

First name: Of the contact person (e.g. Henri).

Last name: Of the contact person (e.g. Smith).

Phone: Of the contact person (e.g. 39 332 785241).

Mobile: Of the contact person.

Fax: Of the contact person (e.g. 39 332 785240).

E-mail: Of the contact person (e.g. henri.smith@legalentity.it).

Address: Enter the address of the contact person (e.g. Umkomaas Road 28).

Address: Use this second address line, if necessary.

Postal code: Enter the postal code (e.g. 01234).

Town : Enter the town

Region/State: Enter the Region/State of contact person.

Country: Select the country in which the contact person is located from the drop-down list. If none of the pre-defined items applies, select other. A text field is then activated next to the list field in which you can enter any free text.