D.6.9. Changing / deleting a Category

A Category, including any category-related information, assigned Substances and selected Endpoint sections, can be changed and the entire Category can be deleted if not used anymore.

To change a Category, open and edit it as described in chapter D.6.2.3 Creating and populating a Category and its subchapters. You can deassign any Substances or assign other Substances to a Category any time.

To delete a Category

  1. Go Home to the Task panel if you are not already there.

  2. Under Category , click Update.

  3. In the Query results pane, right-click the Category to be deleted and from the menu displayed, click the Delete command.


If a Category is deleted, the name of the Category displayed in section 0.2 Categories of any associated Substance will automatically be deleted, too. Apart from this, changing or deleting a Category does not have any impact on the associated Substance datasets.